分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析——事务消息

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原文链接:blog.ouyangsihai.cn >> 分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析——事务消息

摘要: 原创出处 http://www.iocoder.cn/RocketMQ/message-transaction/ 「芋道源码」欢迎转载,保留摘要,谢谢!

本文主要基于 RocketMQ 4.0.x 正式版

  • 1. 概述
  • 2. 事务消息发送
    • 2.1 Producer 发送事务消息
    • 2.2 Broker 处理结束事务请求
    • 2.3 Broker 生成 ConsumeQueue
      1. 事务消息回查
    • 3.1 Broker 发起【事务消息回查】
      • 3.1.1 官方V3.1.4:基于文件系统
        • 存储消息到 CommitLog
        • 写【事务消息】状态存储(TranStateTable)
        • 【事务消息】回查
        • 初始化【事务消息】状态存储(TranStateTable)
        • 补充
        • 3.1.2 官方V4.0.0:基于数据库

          3.2 Producer 接收【事务消息回查】

          • **友情提示:欢迎关注公众号【芋道源码】。😈关注后,拉你进【源码圈】微信群和【芋艿】搞基嗨皮。**
          • **友情提示:欢迎关注公众号【芋道源码】。😈关注后,拉你进【源码圈】微信群和【芋艿】搞基嗨皮。**
          • **友情提示:欢迎关注公众号【芋道源码】。😈关注后,拉你进【源码圈】微信群和【芋艿**】搞基嗨皮。

          1. 概述

          必须必须必须 前置阅读内容:

        • 《事务消息(阿里云)》
        • 2. 事务消息发送

          2.1 Producer 发送事务消息

        • 活动图如下(结合 `核心代码` 理解):
        • 分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析:事务消息
        • 实现代码如下:
            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【DefaultMQProducerImpl.java】
            2: /**
            3:  * 发送事务消息
            4:  *
            5:  * @param msg 消息
            6:  * @param tranExecuter 【本地事务】执行器
            7:  * @param arg 【本地事务】执行器参数
            8:  * @return 事务发送结果
            9:  * @throws MQClientException 当 Client 发生异常时
           10:  */
           11: public TransactionSendResult sendMessageInTransaction(final Message msg, final LocalTransactionExecuter tranExecuter, final Object arg)
           12:     throws MQClientException {
           13:     if (null == tranExecuter) {
           14:         throw new MQClientException("tranExecutor is null", null);
           15:     }
           16:     Validators.checkMessage(msg, this.defaultMQProducer);
           18:     // 发送【Half消息】
           19:     SendResult sendResult;
           20:     MessageAccessor.putProperty(msg, MessageConst.PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_PREPARED, "true");
           21:     MessageAccessor.putProperty(msg, MessageConst.PROPERTY_PRODUCER_GROUP, this.defaultMQProducer.getProducerGroup());
           22:     try {
           23:         sendResult = this.send(msg);
           24:     } catch (Exception e) {
           25:         throw new MQClientException("send message Exception", e);
           26:     }
           28:     // 处理发送【Half消息】结果
           29:     LocalTransactionState localTransactionState = LocalTransactionState.UNKNOW;
           30:     Throwable localException = null;
           31:     switch (sendResult.getSendStatus()) {
           32:         // 发送【Half消息】成功,执行【本地事务】逻辑
           33:         case SEND_OK: {
           34:             try {
           35:                 if (sendResult.getTransactionId() != null) { // 事务编号。目前开源版本暂时没用到,猜想ONS在使用。
           36:                     msg.putUserProperty("__transactionId__", sendResult.getTransactionId());
           37:                 }
           39:                 // 执行【本地事务】逻辑
           40:                 localTransactionState = tranExecuter.executeLocalTransactionBranch(msg, arg);
           41:                 if (null == localTransactionState) {
           42:                     localTransactionState = LocalTransactionState.UNKNOW;
           43:                 }
           45:                 if (localTransactionState != LocalTransactionState.COMMIT_MESSAGE) {
           46:                     log.info("executeLocalTransactionBranch return {}", localTransactionState);
           47:                     log.info(msg.toString());
           48:                 }
           49:             } catch (Throwable e) {
           50:                 log.info("executeLocalTransactionBranch exception", e);
           51:                 log.info(msg.toString());
           52:                 localException = e;
           53:             }
           54:         }
           55:         break;
           56:         // 发送【Half消息】失败,标记【本地事务】状态为回滚
           57:         case FLUSH_DISK_TIMEOUT:
           58:         case FLUSH_SLAVE_TIMEOUT:
           59:         case SLAVE_NOT_AVAILABLE:
           60:             localTransactionState = LocalTransactionState.ROLLBACK_MESSAGE;
           61:             break;
           62:         default:
           63:             break;
           64:     }
           66:     // 结束事务:提交消息 COMMIT / ROLLBACK
           67:     try {
           68:         this.endTransaction(sendResult, localTransactionState, localException);
           69:     } catch (Exception e) {
           70:         log.warn("local transaction execute " + localTransactionState + ", but end broker transaction failed", e);
           71:     }
           73:     // 返回【事务发送结果】
           74:     TransactionSendResult transactionSendResult = new TransactionSendResult();
           75:     transactionSendResult.setSendStatus(sendResult.getSendStatus());
           76:     transactionSendResult.setMessageQueue(sendResult.getMessageQueue());
           77:     transactionSendResult.setMsgId(sendResult.getMsgId());
           78:     transactionSendResult.setQueueOffset(sendResult.getQueueOffset());
           79:     transactionSendResult.setTransactionId(sendResult.getTransactionId());
           80:     transactionSendResult.setLocalTransactionState(localTransactionState);
           81:     return transactionSendResult;
           82: }
           84: /**
           85:  * 结束事务:提交消息 COMMIT / ROLLBACK
           86:  *
           87:  * @param sendResult 发送【Half消息】结果
           88:  * @param localTransactionState 【本地事务】状态
           89:  * @param localException 执行【本地事务】逻辑产生的异常
           90:  * @throws RemotingException 当远程调用发生异常时
           91:  * @throws MQBrokerException 当 Broker 发生异常时
           92:  * @throws InterruptedException 当线程中断时
           93:  * @throws UnknownHostException 当解码消息编号失败是
           94:  */
           95: public void endTransaction(//
           96:     final SendResult sendResult, //
           97:     final LocalTransactionState localTransactionState, //
           98:     final Throwable localException) throws RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException, UnknownHostException {
           99:     // 解码消息编号
          100:     final MessageId id;
          101:     if (sendResult.getOffsetMsgId() != null) {
          102:         id = MessageDecoder.decodeMessageId(sendResult.getOffsetMsgId());
          103:     } else {
          104:         id = MessageDecoder.decodeMessageId(sendResult.getMsgId());
          105:     }
          107:     // 创建请求
          108:     String transactionId = sendResult.getTransactionId();
          109:     final String brokerAddr = this.mQClientFactory.findBrokerAddressInPublish(sendResult.getMessageQueue().getBrokerName());
          110:     EndTransactionRequestHeader requestHeader = new EndTransactionRequestHeader();
          111:     requestHeader.setTransactionId(transactionId);
          112:     requestHeader.setCommitLogOffset(id.getOffset());
          113:     switch (localTransactionState) {
          114:         case COMMIT_MESSAGE:
          115:             requestHeader.setCommitOrRollback(MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_COMMIT_TYPE);
          116:             break;
          117:         case ROLLBACK_MESSAGE:
          118:             requestHeader.setCommitOrRollback(MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TYPE);
          119:             break;
          120:         case UNKNOW:
          121:             requestHeader.setCommitOrRollback(MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_NOT_TYPE);
          122:             break;
          123:         default:
          124:             break;
          125:     }
          126:     requestHeader.setProducerGroup(this.defaultMQProducer.getProducerGroup());
          127:     requestHeader.setTranStateTableOffset(sendResult.getQueueOffset());
          128:     requestHeader.setMsgId(sendResult.getMsgId());
          129:     String remark = localException != null ? ("executeLocalTransactionBranch exception: " + localException.toString()) : null;
          131:     // 提交消息 COMMIT / ROLLBACK。!!!通信方式为:Oneway!!!
          132:     this.mQClientFactory.getMQClientAPIImpl().endTransactionOneway(brokerAddr, requestHeader, remark, this.defaultMQProducer.getSendMsgTimeout());
          133: }

          2.2 Broker 处理结束事务请求

        • 🦅 查询请求的消息,进行**提交 / 回滚**。实现代码如下:
            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【EndTransactionProcessor.java】
            2: public RemotingCommand processRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RemotingCommand request) throws RemotingCommandException {
            3:     final RemotingCommand response = RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(null);
            4:     final EndTransactionRequestHeader requestHeader = (EndTransactionRequestHeader) request.decodeCommandCustomHeader(EndTransactionRequestHeader.class);
            6:     // 省略代码 =》打印日志(只处理 COMMIT / ROLLBACK)
            8:     // 查询提交的消息
            9:     final MessageExt msgExt = this.brokerController.getMessageStore().lookMessageByOffset(requestHeader.getCommitLogOffset());
           10:     if (msgExt != null) {
           11:         // 省略代码 =》校验消息
           13:         // 生成消息
           14:         MessageExtBrokerInner msgInner = this.endMessageTransaction(msgExt);
           15:         msgInner.setSysFlag(MessageSysFlag.resetTransactionValue(msgInner.getSysFlag(), requestHeader.getCommitOrRollback()));
           16:         msgInner.setQueueOffset(requestHeader.getTranStateTableOffset());
           17:         msgInner.setPreparedTransactionOffset(requestHeader.getCommitLogOffset());
           18:         msgInner.setStoreTimestamp(msgExt.getStoreTimestamp());
           19:         if (MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TYPE == requestHeader.getCommitOrRollback()) {
           20:             msgInner.setBody(null);
           21:         }
           23:         // 存储生成消息
           24:         final MessageStore messageStore = this.brokerController.getMessageStore();
           25:         final PutMessageResult putMessageResult = messageStore.putMessage(msgInner);
           27:         // 处理存储结果
           28:         if (putMessageResult != null) {
           29:             switch (putMessageResult.getPutMessageStatus()) {
           30:                 // Success
           31:                 case PUT_OK:
           32:                 case FLUSH_DISK_TIMEOUT:
           33:                 case FLUSH_SLAVE_TIMEOUT:
           34:                 case SLAVE_NOT_AVAILABLE:
           35:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SUCCESS);
           36:                     response.setRemark(null);
           37:                     break;
           38:                 // Failed
           39:                 case CREATE_MAPEDFILE_FAILED:
           40:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           41:                     response.setRemark("create maped file failed.");
           42:                     break;
           43:                 case MESSAGE_ILLEGAL:
           44:                 case PROPERTIES_SIZE_EXCEEDED:
           45:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.MESSAGE_ILLEGAL);
           46:                     response.setRemark("the message is illegal, maybe msg body or properties length not matched. msg body length limit 128k, msg properties length limit 32k.");
           47:                     break;
           48:                 case SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE:
           49:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE);
           50:                     response.setRemark("service not available now.");
           51:                     break;
           52:                 case OS_PAGECACHE_BUSY:
           53:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           54:                     response.setRemark("OS page cache busy, please try another machine");
           55:                     break;
           56:                 case UNKNOWN_ERROR:
           57:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           58:                     response.setRemark("UNKNOWN_ERROR");
           59:                     break;
           60:                 default:
           61:                     response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           62:                     response.setRemark("UNKNOWN_ERROR DEFAULT");
           63:                     break;
           64:             }
           66:             return response;
           67:         } else {
           68:             response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           69:             response.setRemark("store putMessage return null");
           70:         }
           71:     } else {
           72:         response.setCode(ResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR);
           73:         response.setRemark("find prepared transaction message failed");
           74:         return response;
           75:     }
           77:     return response;
           78: }

          2.3 Broker 生成 ConsumeQueue

        • 🦅 事务消息,提交(`COMMIT`)后才生成 `ConsumeQueue`。
            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【DefaultMessageStore.java】
            2: public void doDispatch(DispatchRequest req) {
            3:     // 非事务消息 或 事务提交消息 建立 消息位置信息 到 ConsumeQueue
            4:     final int tranType = MessageSysFlag.getTransactionValue(req.getSysFlag());
            5:     switch (tranType) {
            6:         case MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_NOT_TYPE: // 非事务消息
            7:         case MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_COMMIT_TYPE: // 事务消息COMMIT
            8:             DefaultMessageStore.this.putMessagePositionInfo(req.getTopic(), req.getQueueId(), req.getCommitLogOffset(), req.getMsgSize(),
            9:                 req.getTagsCode(), req.getStoreTimestamp(), req.getConsumeQueueOffset());
           10:             break;
           11:         case MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_PREPARED_TYPE: // 事务消息PREPARED
           12:         case MessageSysFlag.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TYPE: // 事务消息ROLLBACK
           13:             break;
           14:     }
           15:     // 省略代码 =》 建立 索引信息 到 IndexFile
           16: }

          3. 事务消息回查

        • 【事务消息回查】功能曾经开源过,目前(V4.0.0)暂未开源。如下是该功能的开源情况:
        • 版本【事务消息回查】|------


          3.1 Broker 发起【事务消息回查】

          3.1.1 官方V3.1.4:基于文件系统



        • **TransactionStateService** :事务状态服务,负责对【事务消息】进行管理,包括存储与更新事务消息状态、回查事务消息状态等等。
        • **TranStateTable** :【事务消息】状态存储。基于 `MappedFileQueue` 实现,默认存储路径为 `~/store/transaction/statetable`,每条【事务消息】状态存储结构如下:
        • 第几位字段说明数据类型字节数|------
        • **TranRedoLog** :`TranStateTable`重放日志,每次**写操作** `TranStateTable`记录重放日志。当 `Broker` 异常关闭时,使用 `TranRedoLog` 恢复 `TranStateTable`。基于 `ConsumeQueue` 实现,`Topic` 为 `TRANSACTION_REDOLOG_TOPIC_XXXX`,默认存储路径为 `~/store/transaction/redolog`。
        • 简单手绘逻辑图如下😈:

          分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析:事务消息

 存储消息到 CommitLog

        • 🦅存储【half消息】到 `CommitLog` 时,消息队列位置(`queueOffset`)使用 `TranStateTable` 最大物理位置(可写入物理位置)。这样,消息可以索引到自己对应的 `TranStateTable` 的位置和记录。
        • 核心代码如下:

            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【DefaultAppendMessageCallback.java】
            2: class DefaultAppendMessageCallback implements AppendMessageCallback {
            3:     public AppendMessageResult doAppend(final long fileFromOffset, final ByteBuffer byteBuffer,  final int maxBlank, final Object msg) {
            4:         // ...省略代码
            6:         // 事务消息需要特殊处理 
            7:         final int tranType = MessageSysFlag.getTransactionValue(msgInner.getSysFlag());
            8:         switch (tranType) {
            9:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType: // 消息队列位置(queueOffset)使用 TranStateTable 最大物理位置(可写入物理位置) 
           10:             queueOffset = CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getTransactionStateService().getTranStateTableOffset().get();
           11:             break;
           12:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionRollbackType:
           13:             queueOffset = msgInner.getQueueOffset();
           14:             break;
           15:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionNotType:
           16:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionCommitType:
           17:         default:
           18:             break;
           19:         }
           21:         // ...省略代码
           23:         switch (tranType) {
           24:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType:
           25:             // 更新 TranStateTable 最大物理位置(可写入物理位置) 
           26:             CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getTransactionStateService().getTranStateTableOffset().incrementAndGet();
           27:             break;
           28:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionRollbackType:
           29:             break;
           30:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionNotType:
           31:         case MessageSysFlag.TransactionCommitType:
           32:             // 更新下一次的ConsumeQueue信息
           33:             CommitLog.this.topicQueueTable.put(key, ++queueOffset);
           34:             break;
           35:         default:
           36:             break;
           37:         }
           39:         // 返回结果
           40:         return result;
           41:     }
           42: }


        • 🦅处理【Half消息】时,新增【事务消息】状态存储(`TranStateTable`)。
        • 🦅处理【Commit / Rollback消息】时,更新 【事务消息】状态存储(`TranStateTable`) COMMIT / ROLLBACK。
        • 🦅每次**写操作【**事务消息】状态存储(`TranStateTable`),记录重放日志(`TranRedoLog`)。
        • 核心代码如下:

            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【DispatchMessageService.java】
            2: private void doDispatch() {
            3:     if (!this.requestsRead.isEmpty()) {
            4:         for (DispatchRequest req : this.requestsRead) {
            6:             // ...省略代码
            8:             // 2、写【事务消息】状态存储(TranStateTable)
            9:             if (req.getProducerGroup() != null) {
           10:                 switch (tranType) {
           11:                 case MessageSysFlag.TransactionNotType:
           12:                     break;
           13:                 case MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType:
           14:                     // 新增 【事务消息】状态存储(TranStateTable)
           15:                     DefaultMessageStore.this.getTransactionStateService().appendPreparedTransaction(
           16:                         req.getCommitLogOffset(), req.getMsgSize(), (int) (req.getStoreTimestamp() / 1000), req.getProducerGroup().hashCode());
           17:                     break;
           18:                 case MessageSysFlag.TransactionCommitType:
           19:                 case MessageSysFlag.TransactionRollbackType:
           20:                     // 更新 【事务消息】状态存储(TranStateTable) COMMIT / ROLLBACK
           21:                     DefaultMessageStore.this.getTransactionStateService().updateTransactionState(
           22:                         req.getTranStateTableOffset(), req.getPreparedTransactionOffset(), req.getProducerGroup().hashCode(), tranType);
           23:                     break;
           24:                 }
           25:             }
           26:             // 3、记录 TranRedoLog
           27:             switch (tranType) {
           28:             case MessageSysFlag.TransactionNotType:
           29:                 break;
           30:             case MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType:
           31:                 // 记录 TranRedoLog
           32:                 DefaultMessageStore.this.getTransactionStateService().getTranRedoLog().putMessagePostionInfoWrapper(
           33:                         req.getCommitLogOffset(), req.getMsgSize(), TransactionStateService.PreparedMessageTagsCode,
           34:                         req.getStoreTimestamp(), 0L);
           35:                 break;
           36:             case MessageSysFlag.TransactionCommitType:
           37:             case MessageSysFlag.TransactionRollbackType:
           38:                 // 记录 TranRedoLog
           39:                 DefaultMessageStore.this.getTransactionStateService().getTranRedoLog().putMessagePostionInfoWrapper(
           40:                         req.getCommitLogOffset(), req.getMsgSize(), req.getPreparedTransactionOffset(),
           41:                         req.getStoreTimestamp(), 0L);
           42:                 break;
           43:             }
           44:         }
           46:         // ...省略代码
           47:     }
           48: }
           49: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【TransactionStateService.java】
           50: /**
           51:  * 新增事务状态
           52:  *
           53:  * @param clOffset commitLog 物理位置
           54:  * @param size 消息长度
           55:  * @param timestamp 消息存储时间
           56:  * @param groupHashCode groupHashCode
           57:  * @return 是否成功
           58:  */
           59: public boolean appendPreparedTransaction(//
           60:         final long clOffset,//
           61:         final int size,//
           62:         final int timestamp,//
           63:         final int groupHashCode//
           64: ) {
           65:     MapedFile mapedFile = this.tranStateTable.getLastMapedFile();
           66:     if (null == mapedFile) {
           67:         log.error("appendPreparedTransaction: create mapedfile error.");
           68:         return false;
           69:     }
           71:     // 首次创建,加入定时任务中
           72:     if (0 == mapedFile.getWrotePostion()) {
           73:         this.addTimerTask(mapedFile);
           74:     }
           76:     this.byteBufferAppend.position(0);
           77:     this.byteBufferAppend.limit(TSStoreUnitSize);
           79:     // Commit Log Offset
           80:     this.byteBufferAppend.putLong(clOffset);
           81:     // Message Size
           82:     this.byteBufferAppend.putInt(size);
           83:     // Timestamp
           84:     this.byteBufferAppend.putInt(timestamp);
           85:     // Producer Group Hashcode
           86:     this.byteBufferAppend.putInt(groupHashCode);
           87:     // Transaction State
           88:     this.byteBufferAppend.putInt(MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType);
           90:     return mapedFile.appendMessage(this.byteBufferAppend.array());
           91: }
           93: /**
           94:  * 更新事务状态
           95:  *
           96:  * @param tsOffset tranStateTable 物理位置
           97:  * @param clOffset commitLog 物理位置
           98:  * @param groupHashCode groupHashCode
           99:  * @param state 事务状态
          100:  * @return 是否成功
          101:  */
          102: public boolean updateTransactionState(
          103:         final long tsOffset,
          104:         final long clOffset,
          105:         final int groupHashCode,
          106:         final int state) {
          107:     SelectMapedBufferResult selectMapedBufferResult = this.findTransactionBuffer(tsOffset);
          108:     if (selectMapedBufferResult != null) {
          109:         try {
          111:             // ....省略代码:校验是否能够更新
          113:             // 更新事务状态
          114:             selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().putInt(TS_STATE_POS, state);
          115:         }
          116:         catch (Exception e) {
          117:             log.error("updateTransactionState exception", e);
          118:         }
          119:         finally {
          120:             selectMapedBufferResult.release();
          121:         }
          122:     }
          124:     return false;
          125: }


        • 🦅`TranStateTable` 每个 `MappedFile` 都对应一个 `Timer`。`Timer` 固定周期(默认:60s)遍历 `MappedFile`,查找【half消息】,向 `Producer` 发起【事务消息】回查请求。【事务消息】回查结果的逻辑不在此处进行,在 CommitLog dispatch时执行。
        • 实现代码如下:

            1: // ⬇️⬇️⬇️【TransactionStateService.java】
            2: /**
            3:  * 初始化定时任务
            4:  */
            5: private void initTimerTask() {
            6:     //
            7:     final ListMapedFile mapedFiles = this.tranStateTable.getMapedFiles();
            8:     for (MapedFile mf : mapedFiles) {
            9:         this.addTimerTask(mf);
           10:     }
           11: }
           13: /**
           14:  * 每个文件初始化定时任务
           15:  * @param mf 文件
           16:  */
           17: private void addTimerTask(final MapedFile mf) {
           18:     this.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
           19:         private final MapedFile mapedFile = mf;
           20:         private final TransactionCheckExecuter transactionCheckExecuter = TransactionStateService.this.defaultMessageStore.getTransactionCheckExecuter();
           21:         private final long checkTransactionMessageAtleastInterval = TransactionStateService.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()
           22:                     .getCheckTransactionMessageAtleastInterval();
           23:         private final boolean slave = TransactionStateService.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig().getBrokerRole() == BrokerRole.SLAVE;
           25:         @Override
           26:         public void run() {
           27:             // Slave不需要回查事务状态
           28:             if (slave) {
           29:                 return;
           30:             }
           31:             // Check功能是否开启
           32:             if (!TransactionStateService.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()
           33:                 .isCheckTransactionMessageEnable()) {
           34:                 return;
           35:             }
           37:             try {
           38:                 SelectMapedBufferResult selectMapedBufferResult = mapedFile.selectMapedBuffer(0);
           39:                 if (selectMapedBufferResult != null) {
           40:                     long preparedMessageCountInThisMapedFile = 0; // 回查的【half消息】数量
           41:                     int i = 0;
           42:                     try {
           43:                         // 循环每条【事务消息】状态,对【half消息】进行回查
           44:                         for (; i  selectMapedBufferResult.getSize(); i += TSStoreUnitSize) {
           45:                             selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().position(i);
           47:                             // Commit Log Offset
           48:                             long clOffset = selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().getLong();
           49:                             // Message Size
           50:                             int msgSize = selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().getInt();
           51:                             // Timestamp
           52:                             int timestamp = selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().getInt();
           53:                             // Producer Group Hashcode
           54:                             int groupHashCode = selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().getInt();
           55:                             // Transaction State
           56:                             int tranType = selectMapedBufferResult.getByteBuffer().getInt();
           58:                             // 已经提交或者回滚的消息跳过
           59:                             if (tranType != MessageSysFlag.TransactionPreparedType) {
           60:                                 continue;
           61:                             }
           63:                             // 遇到时间不符合最小轮询间隔,终止
           64:                             long timestampLong = timestamp * 1000;
           65:                             long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestampLong;
           66:                             if (diff  checkTransactionMessageAtleastInterval) {
           67:                                 break;
           68:                             }
           70:                             preparedMessageCountInThisMapedFile++;
           72:                             // 回查Producer
           73:                             try {
           74:                                 this.transactionCheckExecuter.gotoCheck(groupHashCode, getTranStateOffset(i), clOffset, msgSize);
           75:                             } catch (Exception e) {
           76:                                 tranlog.warn("gotoCheck Exception", e);
           77:                             }
           78:                         }
           80:                         // 无回查的【half消息】数量,且遍历完,则终止定时任务
           81:                         if (0 == preparedMessageCountInThisMapedFile //
           82:                                 && i == mapedFile.getFileSize()) {
           83:                             tranlog.info("remove the transaction timer task, because no prepared message in this mapedfile[{}]", mapedFile.getFileName());
           84:                             this.cancel();
           85:                         }
           86:                     } finally {
           87:                         selectMapedBufferResult.release();
           88:                     }
           90:                     tranlog.info("the transaction timer task execute over in this period, {} Prepared Message: {} Check Progress: {}/{}", mapedFile.getFileName(),//
           91:                             preparedMessageCountInThisMapedFile, i / TSStoreUnitSize, mapedFile.getFileSize() / TSStoreUnitSize);
           92:                 } else if (mapedFile.isFull()) {
           93:                     tranlog.info("the mapedfile[{}] maybe deleted, cancel check transaction timer task", mapedFile.getFileName());
           94:                     this.cancel();
           95:                     return;
           96:                 }
           97:             } catch (Exception e) {
           98:                 log.error("check transaction timer task Exception", e);
           99:             }
          100:         }
          103:         private long getTranStateOffset(final long currentIndex) {
          104:             long offset = (this.mapedFile.getFileFromOffset() + currentIndex) / TransactionStateService.TSStoreUnitSize;
          105:             return offset;
          106:         }
          107:     }, 1000 * 60, this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig().getCheckTransactionMessageTimerInterval());
          108: }
          110: // 【DefaultTransactionCheckExecuter.java】
          111: @Override
          112: public void gotoCheck(int producerGroupHashCode, long tranStateTableOffset, long commitLogOffset,
          113:         int msgSize) {
          114:     // 第一步、查询Producer
          115:     final ClientChannelInfo clientChannelInfo = this.brokerController.getProducerManager().pickProducerChannelRandomly(producerGroupHashCode);
          116:     if (null == clientChannelInfo) {
          117:         log.warn("check a producer transaction state, but not find any channel of this group[{}]", producerGroupHashCode);
          118:         return;
          119:     }
          121:     // 第二步、查询消息
          122:     SelectMapedBufferResult selectMapedBufferResult = this.brokerController.getMessageStore().selectOneMessageByOffset(commitLogOffset, msgSize);
          123:     if (null == selectMapedBufferResult) {
          124:         log.warn("check a producer transaction state, but not find message by commitLogOffset: {}, msgSize: ", commitLogOffset, msgSize);
          125:         return;
          126:     }
          128:     // 第三步、向Producer发起请求
          129:     final CheckTransactionStateRequestHeader requestHeader = new CheckTransactionStateRequestHeader();
          130:     requestHeader.setCommitLogOffset(commitLogOffset);
          131:     requestHeader.setTranStateTableOffset(tranStateTableOffset);
          132:     this.brokerController.getBroker2Client().checkProducerTransactionState(clientChannelInfo.getChannel(), requestHeader, selectMapedBufferResult);
          133: }


        • 🦅根据最后 Broker 关闭是否正常,会有不同的初始化方式。
        • 核心代码如下:

          // 微信文章长度限制,请点击【阅读原文】


        • 为什么 V3.1.5 开始,使用 数据库 实现【事务状态】的存储?如下是来自官方文档的说明,可能是一部分原因:
        • RocketMQ 这种实现事务方式,没有通过 KV 存储做,而是通过 Offset 方式,存在一个显著缺陷,即通过 Offset 更改数据,会令系统的脏页过多,需要特别关注。

          3.1.2 官方V4.0.0:基于数据库


          官方V4.0.0 暂时未完全开源【事务消息回查】功能,So 我们需要进行一些猜想,可能不一定正确😈


        • TransactionRecord :记录每条【事务消息】。类似 `TranStateTable`。
        • TranStateTableTransactionRecord|------

          另外,数据库本身保证了数据存储的可靠性,无需  TranRedoLog


          分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析:事务消息

          3.2 Producer 接收【事务消息回查】

        • 顺序图如下:
        • 分布式消息队列 RocketMQ源码解析:事务消息
        • 核心代码如下:
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