imp错误IMP-00098—— INTERNAL ERROR—— impgst2Segmentation fault

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原文链接 >> imp错误IMP-00098—— INTERNAL ERROR—— impgst2Segmentation fault

imp错误IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2Segmentation fault


SQLFILE Write all the SQL DDL to a specified file.


SHOW     just list file contents (N)


imp oracle/oracle@x.x.x.x:1521/lk fromuser=user_a touser=user_b file=/home/oracle/data.dmp log=/home/oracle/data.log show=y

illegal lob length marker 65279
bytesread = 00000000000
IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2Segmentation fault


oerr imp 00098 00098, 00000, "INTERNAL ERROR: %s" // *Cause:  An INTERNAL error occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

针对这种错误,MOS这篇文章《Import Fails With IMP-98 Internal Error impgst2 Segmentation Fault Core Dumped (Doc ID 578616.1)》给出了介绍,

When executing the import command by adding the parameter SHOW=Y to scan the dump file, then the same error is reported.


The fact that running import with SHOW=Y generates same error indicates that the export dump file is corrupted.
When SHOW=Y is used, the content of the export dump file is listed to the display and not imported.
There are two ways an export dump file could be corrupted:

  • the export tool corrupts the file itself; 
  • the file is corrupted during the transfer (move/copy) from the source to the target machine; this is the most common cause of the error.

相应的解决方案,就是重新导入,如果源端测试imp … show=y报这个错误,则说明原始dump文件有问题,如果没错,移动文件在目标端执行imp … show=y,要是提示错误,则说明传输过程中出现错误,

Since the export dump file is corrupt, the export needs to be done again:

  • After the export is finished, one should always check if the export dump file is corrupted on the source machine using imp with SHOW=Y. When getting the above errors, the file was corrupted on the source machine

  • Assuming the file is not corrupted on the source machine, after transferring the file, one must execute imp with SHOW=Y on target machine. If getting the above errors then the file was corrupted during transfer.
Use ftp command in binary mode as a way of transferring the dump file between source and target machines.
  • If imp with SHOW=Y reports no errors after the above steps then proceed with the real import.
  • If imp with SHOW=Y reports no errors after the above steps then proceed with the real import.
  • 需要注意的是,使用show=y并不会执行实际导入,因此若用show=y正常,再进行真实的导入操作,就比较稳妥了。




    imp错误IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2Segmentation fault imp错误IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2Segmentation fault
    本人花费半年的时间总结的《Java面试指南》已拿腾讯等大厂offer,已开源在github ,欢迎star!

    本文GitHub 已收录,这是我花了6个月总结的一线大厂Java面试总结,本人已拿大厂offer,欢迎star

    原文链接 >> imp错误IMP-00098—— INTERNAL ERROR—— impgst2Segmentation fault

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