再说我碰见的问题之前,引用一些JL大神《Oracle Core》,对于死锁的一些介绍,一些(易混淆/不清晰)概念,后面可能会用上,
1. 当然可能有多个会话陷入循环等待,死锁**不仅仅限于两个会话之间**,尽管最常见的是两个。
2. 尽管模式6类型的TX锁是死锁中最常见的,**但任何时候只要等待一个锁,都有可能会出现ORA-00060场景**。死锁场景:
1. 两个会话试图插入相同的主键值。
2. 一个会话在另一个会话删除父行时插入一行到子表中。 3. 一个会话插入一条父行,然后另一个会话在父行提交前插入子行。 4. 两个会话试图删除由同一个位图索引块(chunk)所覆盖的行。本质上讲,如果由于索引(或由这些索引关联的约束)争用,导致你必须等待其他会话提交,那么你会看到一个模式4的TX等待。甚至有一个不是由编码问题引起的索引情况-当你等待其他会话完成索引块分裂时。
**Row Locks (TX)**
A row lock, also called a TX lock, is a lock on a single row of table. A transaction acquires a row lock for each row modified by an `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`, `MERGE`, or `SELECT` `... FOR` `UPDATE` statement. The row lock exists until the transaction commits or rolls back.Row locks primarily serve as a queuing mechanism to prevent two transactions from modifying the same row. The database always locks a modified row in exclusive mode so that other transactions cannot modify the row until the transaction holding the lock commits or rolls back. Row locking provides the finest grain locking possible and so provides the best possible concurrency and throughput.
If a transaction obtains a lock for a row, then the transaction also acquires a lock for the table containing the row. The table lock prevents conflicting DDL operations that would override data changes in a current transaction. Figure illustrates an update of the third row in a table. Oracle Database automatically places an exclusive lock on the updated row and a subexclusive lock on the table.
**Table Locks (TM)**
A table lock, also called a TM lock, is acquired by a transaction when a table is modified by an `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`, `MERGE`, `SELECT` with the `FOR` `UPDATE` clause, or `LOCK` `TABLE` statement. DML operations require table locks to reserve DML access to the table on behalf of a transaction and to prevent DDL operations that would conflict with the transaction.这是锁类型介绍,不同的锁模式,代表了不同的锁粒度,
1. 这是高并发的一个OLTP应用。
2. 应用采用了多线程处理逻辑。问题现象:
1. 数据库层面出现大量“enq: TX - row lock contention”,行锁等待。
2. 应用进程会话,hang在DELETE删除一张父表的操作上,20+分钟。 3. 在这20分钟的期间,非常多的应用进程会话,执行INSERT子表记录的时候,提示ORA-00060错误,经过统计,总计共有160个会话,提示ORA-00060错误,换句话说,所有INSERT提示ORA-00060之后,(1)中的DELETE操作完成。以下是参考应用日志,创建测试表、外键约束、唯一约束、以及索引,模拟还原了出错的过程,
create table lock_a (id number primary key, name varchar2(1)); create table lock_b (id number primary key, id_a number, id_b number, name varchar2(1));
alter table lock_b add constraint fk_lock foreign key(id_a) references lock_a(id);
alter table lock_b add constraint unq_lock unique (id_a, id_b);
create index idx_b_01 on lock_b(id_a);创建测试数据,
SQL select * from lock_a;
1 a
2 b
SQL select * from lock_b; ID ID_A ID_B NAM ---------- ---------- ---------- --- 1 1 1 a 2 1 2 b 3 2 3 x 4 2 4 y
session 1
SQL delete from lock_b where id_a=1;
2 rows deleted.
session ID是41,主表子表有锁,
session 2
SQL insert into lock_b values(10, 1, 10, ‘a’);
1 row created.
session ID是22,主表子表有锁,
session 3
SQL insert into lock_b(11, 1, 11, ‘a’);
1 row created
session ID是38,主表子表有锁,
session 1
SQL delete from lock_a where id=1;
session 4
SQL insert into lock_b values(11, 1, 11, ‘a’);
session ID是39,主表子表有锁,
session 5
SQL insert into lock_b values(12, 1, 12, ‘a’);
session ID是40,主表子表有锁,
session 2
SQL commit;
Commit complete.
session 1
由于之前session 1(SID=41)等待的锁资源,已经释放,所以可以执行最新的语句,删除主表SQL,但是提示错误,原因就是子表INSERT新记录,不能直接删除主表数据,
SQL delete from lock_a where id=1;
delete from lock_a where id=1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (BISAL.FK_LOCK) violated - child record found
session 3
SQL commit;
Commit complete.
session 4
SQL insert into lock_b values(11, 1, 11, ‘a’);
insert into lock_b values(11, 1, 11, ‘a’)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (BISAL.SYS_C007067) violated
session 3(SID=38)提交,3条等待记录会被删除,session 4(SID=39)的4条等待记录会被删除,
session 1
SQL delete from lock_b where id_a=1;
1 row deleted.
session 1(SID=41)再次删除子表的记录,
SQL delete from lock_a where id=1;
1 row deleted.
session 5
SQL insert into lock_b values(12, 1, 12, ‘a’);
insert into lock_b values(12, 1, 12, ‘a’)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
session 5(SID=40)抛出ORA-00060错误,回滚当前语句,释放锁资源了,因此之前4条等待记录删除,
Remember, first, that the problem comes from **TX locks**, not TM locks - check v$lock, the requests will be against TX entries, requesting in mode 4. When your session is blocked by another session it monitors the transaction, not the data blocks. When a session gets a deadlock error Oracle rolls back ONLY the most recent DML statement, which isn't necessarily the whole transaction - so the problem transaction can still be alive in which case the other session will still be blocked. Secondly you're running RAC, so enqueue resources (the objects underneath TX and TM locks, for example) become global and the code path that does deadlock detection changes - even if just one instance of the cluster is up. The longer time for deadlock detection is just one of the changes in the mechanism (10 seconds compared to the 3 seconds that you expect from single instance).
In this case the transaction for session 1 that starts with deleting from lock_b then deleting from (and waiting at) lock_a eventually raises an ORA-02292: integrity constraint error. But by this time session 5 is waiting for session 1 to rollback or commit. Remember: session 5 is looking at session 1's TRANSACTION slot, not at the rows in the tables. Session 1 has rolled back ONLY its most recent delete statement, the same transaction is still active so session 5 is still waiting for session 1 to commit or rollback. When session 1 repeats its delete from lock_b it can't see the row that session 5 is trying to insert, so that delete succeeds. When session 1 attempts to delete from lock_a it detects the pending insert from session 5 so start to wait on session 5's transaction slot. At this point session 1 is waiting for session 5 and session 5 is waiting for session 1. Session 5 has been waiting longest so will be the first to detect the deadlock.
上述操作,session 1等待session 5的操作释放资源,session 5等待session 1的操作释放资源,因此出现了死锁,另一个知识点,就是一般情况下(9i以上),等待时间最久的会话,会首先检测死锁,例如上面的session 5会话。
Simple. The lock is happening because **oracle needs to check if the parent key entry exists or not**. Essentially the outcome for session 2 depends on the outcome of session 1. If session 1 commits, then the insert of session 2 would raise a FK-violation error. If session 1 rolls back, then the insert of session 2 would go through sucessfully. And locks are the mechanism that the database uses to provide this level of consistency in a multi threaded environment.
Sven W has given you a detailed explanation of the dependency that results in session 2 waiting for session 1. **A key point to bear in mind: No matter how often you read it in the manuals a TX lock is NOT a row lock, it is a transaction lock. The optimizer does not wait for a row's lock byte to disappear it waits for the session's transaction lock to disappear**.
我们再回来看下这张表,结合JL所说,对于这次ORA-00060错误,推测原因,首先session 5等待红色字体的TX资源,这个TX锁资源被session 1正占有,(有一个知识点,第4步,session 1执行删除主表,第7步违反约束,虽然提示错误了,但只会回滚这一句语句,并不会回滚第一步操作,因此session 5继续等待session 1第一步TX锁资源),此时session 5除了等待红色字体TX,还会占有蓝色字体的TX资源,session 1后面会请求蓝色字体TX锁,此时就出现了交叉等待,session 5等待session 1,session 1等待session 5,由于session 5是等待最久的会话,所以他会提示ORA-00060。
除了从上述操作时序外,如果此时检索ASH,就会看见大量“enq: TX - row lock contention”等待事件,例如DELETE操作,从执行处于hang状态,直到所有ORA-00060抛出,在此期间,等待的就是enq: TX - row lock contention事件。
1. 数据库层面出现大量“enq: TX - row lock contention”,行锁等待。
2. 应用进程会话,hang在DELETE删除一张父表的操作上,20+分钟。 3. 在这20分钟的期间,非常多的应用进程会话,执行INSERT子表记录的时候,提示ORA-00060错误,经过统计,总计共有160个会话,提示ORA-00060错误,换句话说,所有INSERT提示ORA-00060之后,(1)中的DELETE操作完成。至于解决方法,我觉得一种是从应用设计上,避免出现session 1和session 5互等的场景,但这就需要从业务上看,能否满足要求,能否做这种变更。另一种方法,就是是否可以考虑删除外键,因为上述问题,就是因为有外键,所以子表操作依赖父表。但这么做,同样需要考虑其他功能,毕竟外键的存在,就是为了从数据库层面,保证数据的一致,删除外键,就需要从应用层,替代这种功能,能否满足要求,不是一两句话就能决定的。
The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a deadlock due to user error in the design of an application or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following information may aid in determining the deadlock:
对于死锁监测的时间,刘大这篇文章,有些对应的实验和解释,非常到位,可以参考《Know more about Enqueue Deadlock Detection》(http://www.askmaclean.com/archives/tag/_enqueue_deadlock_time_sec)。
结论如下,enqueue lock队列锁的死锁检测遵循以下原则,
- 默认情况下死锁检测deadlock detection总是3s发生一次, 但是实际受到参数_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs(deadlock scan interval)的控制,该参数默认为0,死锁检测时间总是_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs指定的值向上取整为3的倍数, 当_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs=0 则为3s一次, 当_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs=4则为6s一次,依此类推。
- 死锁检测还受到_enqueue_deadlock_time_sec(requests with timeout = this will not have deadlock detection)的影响,若enqueue request timeout _enqueue_deadlock_time_sec(默认值为5),则Server process不会做死锁检测。若enqueue request timeout_enqueue_deadlock_time_sec 则会参考_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs定期做死锁检测, 当然request timeout的指定不限于select for update wait [TIMEOUT]一种。
但是要注意上面的结论,基于单实例库,若是RAC,会受隐藏参数_lm_dd_interval(dd time interval in seconds)的影响,11g下默认值为10秒。RAC中,LMD0进程除了管理全局enqueue、资源访问之外,也负责检测全局enqueue死锁。
可以简单地这么理解,上述20+分钟DELETE等待的时间,其实就是Oracle解死锁的用时。《DSI-408》中有一句“LMD performs the search, one lock at a time.”,说明了这个检测操作,是串行执行的,160次会话的ORA-00060,160*10=1600s,和20+分钟比较吻合。
下面是《DSI-408》介绍的是“The Classic Deadlock”,进一步明确了,锁资源可以是anything,
The slide shows the classic deadlock scenario. The resources in question could be anything. In the server, they could be rows, tables, ITL slots, or library cache or row cache locks.
This situation can also occur in a RAC cluster, even where the processes are on separate nodes.