
本人花费半年的时间总结的《Java面试指南》已拿腾讯等大厂offer,已开源在github ,欢迎star!

本文GitHub https://github.com/OUYANGSIHAI/JavaInterview 已收录,这是我花了6个月总结的一线大厂Java面试总结,本人已拿大厂offer,欢迎star

原文链接:blog.ouyangsihai.cn >> 碰见.swp文件咋办?




vi test.txt


vi test.txt

Found a swap file by the name ".test.txt.swp"
         owned by: oracle   dated: Tue Jul  3 14:36:01 2018
        file name: ~oracle/test.txt
         modified: no
        user name: oracle   host name: vm-kvm12907-app
       process ID: 30834 (still running)
While opening file "test.txt"
            dated: Tue Jul  3 14:35:53 2018

(1) Another program may be editing the same file.
   If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two
   different instances of the same file when making changes.
   Quit, or continue with caution.

(2) An edit session for this file crashed.
   If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r test.txt"
   to recover the changes (see ":help recovery").
   If you did this already, delete the swap file ".test.txt.swp"
   to avoid this message.

Swap file ".test.txt.swp" already exists!
[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort:


ls -al
total 192
-rw-r--r--  1 oracle oinstall      2 Jul  3 14:35 test.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 oracle oinstall  12288 Jul  3 14:36 .test.txt.swp

其实这是因为,使用vi/vim编辑文件实际是先copy一份临时文件并映射到内存给你编辑,编辑的是临时文件,当执行:w后才保存临时文件到原文件,执行:q后才删除临时文件。每次启动编辑时都会检索这个文件是否已经存在临时文件, 有则询问如何处理,即上面截图信息。



rm *.swp


使用vi -r选项,回车,可以打开和编辑文件,:w保存即可,

vi -r test.txt

Using swap file ".test.txt.swp"
Original file "~/test.txt"
Recovery completed. You should check if everything is OK.
(You might want to write out this file under another name
and run diff with the original file to check for changes)
Delete the .swp file afterwards.

Press ENTER or type command to continue


-r  List swap files, with information about using them for recovery.
-r {file} Recovery mode. 
  The swap file is used to recover a crashed editing session.
  The swap file is a file with the same filename as the text file with ".swp" appended.  See ":help recovery".


vi -r
Swap files found:
   In current directory:
1. .test.txt.swp
      owned by: oracle   dated: Tue Jul  3 16:06:28 2018
      file name: ~oracle/test.txt
      modified: no
      user name: oracle   host name: vm-kvm12907-app
      process ID: 31641 (still running)
   In directory ~/tmp:
      -- none --
   In directory /var/tmp:
      -- none --
   In directory /tmp:
      -- none --


本人花费半年的时间总结的《Java面试指南》已拿腾讯等大厂offer,已开源在github ,欢迎star!

本文GitHub https://github.com/OUYANGSIHAI/JavaInterview 已收录,这是我花了6个月总结的一线大厂Java面试总结,本人已拿大厂offer,欢迎star

原文链接:blog.ouyangsihai.cn >> 碰见.swp文件咋办?

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