两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑

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本文GitHub https://github.com/OUYANGSIHAI/JavaInterview 已收录,这是我花了6个月总结的一线大厂Java面试总结,本人已拿大厂offer,欢迎star

原文链接:blog.ouyangsihai.cn >> 两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑

两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑

由于监控需要,最近写了一个Tuxedo Clinet,用于定时调用监控服务,其中碰见了一些问题,有些已解,有些存疑,很是苦恼。


开始在Solaris 5.9平台写的程序中,有一段逻辑是读取文件,逐行解析,文件格式KEY=VALUE,模拟如下程序,

#include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include string.h void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {         char service[10];         char sendbuf[100];         char *token;         char line[]="LOCAL=01JAN10";


        char *delimter="=";         token=strtok(line,"=");         strtok(line,delimter);         strcpy(service,line);         strcpy(service, strtok(line, delimter));         printf("service is %sn",service);         strcpy(sendbuf, strtok(NULL, delimter));         printf("sendbuf is %sn",sendbuf);         return; }

执行正常,但是在Linux 6.3平台,重新编译没报错,执行的时候,就出了core,如下所示,


service is LOCAL
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

P.S. 补充知识:如何设置core文件的路径


  1. cd /proc/sys/kernel

  2. echo “/opt/app/core” core_pattern,可以加些参数,例如进程PID号,

echo “/opt/app/core-%e-%p-%t” core_pattern,产生的文件名为core-命令名-pid-时间戳,以下是参数列表:

%p - insert pid into filename 添加pid %u - insert current uid into filename 添加当前uid %g - insert current gid into filename 添加当前gid %s - insert signal that caused the coredump into the filename 添加导致产生core的信号 %t - insert UNIX time that the coredump occurred into filename 添加core文件生成时的unix时间 %h - insert hostname where the coredump happened into filename 添加主机名 %e - insert coredumping executable name into filename 添加命令名

  1. 将ulimit -c unlimited写入profile中,表示core文件的大小不受限制。


GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-56.el6) Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/... Reading symbols from /DATA/app/tuxapp/monitor/code/one...(no debugging symbols found)...done. [New Thread 8709] Missing separate debuginfo for Try: yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='*-debug*' install /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/8f/cb014d96e04978ad2256ce074e192ed72b7559 Reading symbols from /lib64/libc.so.6...(no debugging symbols found)...done. Loaded symbols for /lib64/libc.so.6 Reading symbols from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2...(no debugging symbols found)...done. Loaded symbols for /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 Core was generated by `./one'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0  0x00000031de934152 in __strcpy_ssse3 () from /lib64/libc.so.6 Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.166.el6_7.7.x86_64


(gdb) bt #0  0x00000031de934152 in __strcpy_ssse3 () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #1  0x0000000000400693 in main ()

结合应用日志,定位strcpy(sendbuf, strtok(NULL, delimter));这句有问题。



#include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include string.h void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {         char service[10];         char sendbuf[100];         char line[]="LOCAL=01JAN10";         memset(service, 0, sizeof(service));         memset(sendbuf, 0, sizeof(sendbuf));         strcpy(service, strtok(line, "="));         strcpy(sendbuf, strtok(NULL, "="));         printf("[%s][%s]n", service, sendbuf);         return; }


#include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include string.h void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {         char service[10];         char sendbuf[100];         char line[]="LOCAL=01JAN10";         memset(service, 0, sizeof(service));         memset(sendbuf, 0, sizeof(sendbuf));         char *delimter="=";         strcpy(service, strtok(line, delimter));         strcpy(sendbuf, strtok(NULL, delimter));         printf("[%s][%s]n", service, sendbuf);         return; }






(void)Fadd32(fbfr,UI_ROW, (char *)&ut.row, (FLDLEN32)0);


Tperrno = 12, TPESYSTEM - internal system error


142731.vm-vmw43314-app!?proc.9112.3589154560.0: LIBTUX_CAT:6031: ERROR: Unable to pre-process buffer before tranmission.  Error code(12/4183) 142731.vm-vmw43314-app!?proc.9112.3589154560.0: LIBWSC_CAT:1045: ERROR: Presend on message failed 142731.vm-vmw43314-app!?proc.9112.3589154560.0: LIBWSC_CAT:1011: ERROR: tpcall() message send failure



ERROR: tpcall() message send failure Description An attempt to send a request to the Workstation Handler process failed during a tpcall. This could be a result of the network going down, the Workstation Handler process not running, or the site of the Workstation Handler going down. Action Shut the client down and attempt to reconnect. If this fails, contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Presend on message failed Description An attempt to presend a message failed. This is done in a buffer-type switch function. Action

Shut the client down and contact your BEA TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to pre-process buffer before tranmission. Error code(val/val) Description While handling a message before transmission (presend), the system was unable to process the message. Action

Contact BEA Customer Support.



long tmp = ut.row;
if (Fadd32(fbfr,UI_ROW, (char *)&(tmp), (FLDLEN32)0) 0)
    printf(“Fadd32 failed: %d(%s)n”, tperrno, tpstrerror(tperrno));


note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'char (*)[7]' warning: passing argument 3 of 'Fadd32' from incompatible pointer type




两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑 两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑
本人花费半年的时间总结的《Java面试指南》已拿腾讯等大厂offer,已开源在github ,欢迎star!

本文GitHub https://github.com/OUYANGSIHAI/JavaInterview 已收录,这是我花了6个月总结的一线大厂Java面试总结,本人已拿大厂offer,欢迎star

原文链接:blog.ouyangsihai.cn >> 两个Tuxedo Client问题的困惑

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历史文章: 《》 本文主题:《Oracle Concept》的目录结构。 如下是来自11.2版本的《Oracle Concept》一级目录, 1 Introduction to Oracle DatabasePart I Or
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