Lost connection to MySQL server
There are three likely causes for this error message.
Usually it indicates network connectivity trouble and you should check the condition of your network if this error occurs frequently. If the error message includes “during query,” this is probably the case you are experiencing. Sometimes the “during query” form happens when millions of rows are being sent as part of one or more queries. If you know that this is happening, you should try increasing net_read_timeout from its default of 30 seconds to 60 seconds or longer, sufficient for the data transfer to complete.
More rarely, it can happen when the client is attempting the initial connection to the server. In this case, if your connect_timeout value is set to only a few seconds, you may be able to resolve the problem by increasing it to ten seconds, perhaps more if you have a very long distance or slow connection. You can determine whether you are experiencing this more uncommon cause by using SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Aborted_connects'. It will increase by one for each initial connection attempt that the server aborts. You may see “reading authorization packet” as part of the error message; if so, that also suggests that this is the solution that you need.
If the cause is none of those just described, you may be experiencing a problem with BLOB values that are larger than max_allowed_packet, which can cause this error with some clients. Sometime you may see an ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE error, and that confirms that you need to increase max_allowed_packet.
mysql -hIP地址 -u用户名 -p
[mysqld] ... skip-name-resolve
Do not resolve host names when checking client connections. Use only IP addresses. If you use this option, all Host column values in the grant tables must be IP addresses. See Section, “DNS Lookup Optimization and the Host Cache”.
Depending on the network configuration of your system and the Host values for your accounts, clients may need to connect using an explicit --host option, such as --host= or --host=::1.
An attempt to connect to the host normally resolves to the localhost account. However, this fails if the server is run with the --skip-name-resolve option, so make sure that an account exists that can accept a connection. For example, to be able to connect as root using --host= or --host=::1, create these accounts: CREATE USER 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'root-password'; CREATE USER 'root'@'::1' IDENTIFIED BY 'root-password';